Evaluation Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Kursus *NavnBased on your course experience, how likely are you to recommend Peopleteam to others? *Please select10 - very likely9876543210 - not likely at allKommentarThe quality of the course materialsHow was the quality of the course materials?10 - very good9876543210 - very badDoes not apply (e.g. no materials supplied)Please rate the professional skills of the trainerHow were the professional skills of the trainer?10 - very good9876543210 - very badPlease rate the trainer's teaching skillsHow were the trainer's teaching skills?10 - very good9876543210 - very badPlease rate the the course administrationHow was the course administration?10 - very good9876543210 - very badPlease rate the venue and cateringHow was the venue and catering?10 - very good9876543210 - very badDoes not apply (e.g. virtual course)Offentliggørelse OKCheck this box if we can share your wordsAccepter betingelser *I accept Peopleteam's terms and conditions (in Danish)Submit