For the IT department regarding exams with PeopleCert

DANISH version >>

Please contact the examination institute PeopleCert ( >>, if you have any questions or comments.

This guide is aimed at IT departments in companies whose employees must participate in a PeopleCert exam.


IMPORTANT INFO: Please read PeopleCert’s guidelines

The most important elements are outlined below. The full instructions can be found here:


If you have any questions after this, please contact PeopleCert directly at: >>


Check that the employees laptop is compatible with the exam system

PeopleCert is an accredited and quality-assured organization, and there are strict requirements for exams. Therefore, the exam participant’s laptop must comply with the following specifications in order for the exam to be completed:

  • There must be access to the Microsoft Store on the laptop
  • You must be able to install the exam application (ExamShieldLauncher.exe). This application locks the laptop during the exam. It is not possible to do the exam without this application.
  • Download and test ExamShield through Microsoft Store here >>  or Open Microsoft Store and search for ‘examshield’
  • Your laptop must be equipped with webcam and speakers (headset is not enough, built-in speakers are OK).
  • Please read the full guide from the exaqmination institute here: Windows/Mac.


What if the company’s security policy does not allow employees to access the Microsoft Store or to install ExamShield?

The exam can only be completed if ExamShield can be installed. If this is not possible on the employee’s laptop, we suggest the following alternatives:

  • Ask the employee to use a private laptop
  • Provide a separate laptop that is not subject to company security policies


Questions and contact

Feel free to contact Peopleteam, if you have questions or comments of a professional nature, e.g. for syllabus or course material.

However, if you have questions about the technical setup of the exam (e.g. about the above requirements for a laptop or about the exam application ExamShield), please contact the exam institute directly
PeopleCert ( >>