Study guide and tips for ITIL 4 Foundation exam re-sit

Dansk udgave her >>

In the event that you failed the exam and you are sitting the exam again, then you can target your reading using your exam result:

  1. Analyze your exam
  2. Target your studying
  3. Test your knowledge using the sample papers

1. Analyze your exam

  1. Find your exam result on >>
  2. Find your exam on the list
  3. Check the column  “STATEMENT OF RESULTS”
  4. Click “View/Print”
  5. Download the file “SoR.pdf”
  6. Compare your result with this study guide:
Syllabus subject area When to study What to study
ITIL4F_1 – Understand the key concepts of service management 60% or below Slide 8-26 (Key concepts of service management)
Test questions: General concepts and definitions >>
ITIL4F_2 – Understand how the ITIL guiding principles can help an organization adopt and adapt service management 67% or below Slide 67-84 (The ITIL guiding principles)
Test questions: The guiding principles >>
ITIL4F_3 – Understand the four dimensions of service management 50% or below Slide 29-43 (The 4 dimensions of service management)
Test questions: The 4 dimensions >>
ITIL4F_4 – Understand the purpose and components of the ITIL service value system 0% Slide 45-52 (The ITIL Service Value System)
Test questions: The service value system >>
ITIL4F_5 – Understand the activities of the service value chain, and how they interconnect 50% or below Slide 54-65 (The service value chain)
Test questions The service value chain >>
ITIL4F_6 – Know the purpose and key terms of 15 ITIL practices 80% or below Slide 86-124 (All red bordered boxes + the three types of changes on slide 118)
Test questions: Practice purposes >>
ITIL4F_7 – Understand 7 ITIL practices 90% or below Slide 86-90 (Continual improvement)
Test questions: Continual improvement >>Slide 95-97 (Service level management)
Test questions: Service level management >>

Slide 102-106 (Service desk)
Test questions: Service desk >>

Slide 107-110 Service request management)
Test questions: Service request management >>

Slide 111-115 (Incident management)
Test questions: Incident management >>

Slide 116-119 (Problem management)
Test questions: Problem management >>

Slide 120-122 (Change change enablement)
Test questions: Change enablement >>


2. Target your studying

Read slides AND notes within the area(s) that have the lowest score(s).

3. Test your knowledge using the sample papers

Sample papers and test questions are here >>

Password is in your welcome mail that you received before the course.

If you have lost your password, please contact us on – and we will help you.

The sample papers are merely spot-checks of your knowledge. Use the sample papers to check the areas that need rehearsal. Not to guarantee that a good sample paper result automatically will give you a good exam result.

Enjoy your studying.